Saturday, July 3, 2010

And the Holiday Weekend is Upon Us

It's the start of a 3-day holiday weekend (and it hasn't come soon enough after last week).  To get the festivities started, a little NY style patriotism for the 4th of July:
This is a good opportunity to share my favorite fireman story.  We were walking south through the meatpacking this spring on our way to dinner at Paris Commune (a restaurant we went to when we first moved here and then have never really managed to walk by ever again, that happens in NY.  No matter how many times you walk through a neighborhood).  We were jut a little past the cobblestone area near Pastis and this firetruck is blaring and coming in very fast.  I hear a thump and the scratch of metal.  The truck hits a street sign but makes it to the front of the restaurant and a fireman jumps off the truck to propose to his girlfriend who was sitting outside eating (I'm assuming they knew each other!).  Meanwhile, the mowed down sign has punctured some sort of hole under the truck so it's leaking.  Funny and sweet.  Might be hard to explain that one back at the station.

More photos to come!  I'm planning to test out the fireworks setting tomorrow night when we hit the Hudson River area.  Stay cool out there!

1 comment:

Mommy Mayhem said...

Happy fourth!! The anecdote about the fire man has to be the cutest proposal story ever!


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